Counter-strike Mirai with F5 iRules

David Holmes from F5 is back with one bad-ass iRule to combat Mirai. After reviewing the source code for Mirai and a post by Scott Tenaglia David put together an iRule to cause Mirai to do a bad memory move and crash. Check out his post here:

Lastly, the iRule in question:

when RULE_INIT {
        set static::mseconds 10000
        set static::maxdupreq 10
        set dup_req 0
        set last_req ""
    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { $last_req equals "" } {
            set last_req [HTTP::uri]
            set dup_req 0
        elseif { $last_req == [HTTP::uri] } {
            incr dup_req
            after $static::mseconds { if {$dup_req > 0} {incr dup_req -1} } 
            if { $dup_req > $static::maxdupreq } {
                log "Killing suspected Mirai at [IP::client_addr]"
                TCP::respond "HTTP/1.0\r\n200 OK\r\nLocation: http\r\n\r\n"
        else {
            set dup_req 0

Best Regards,